Attorney at Law, P. Engineer and C. Arbitrator, in civil, commercial and contractual matters, as well as in construction works, in Ethics and in Professional Ethics ; since 1997, Robert MASSON is now acting as Independent Arbitrator, Independent Adjudicator, Third Party Neutral, and Mediator, in civil, commercial and contractual matters, as well as in construction works, in Ethics and in Professional Ethics, which he combines with 15 years of experience as P. Engineer added with 33 years of experience as Lawyer. He also acts as Dispute Resolution Board (DRB) member.
In 2018, Robert is appointed Adjudicator-Expert by the Government of Québec for the resolution of disputes not yet settled ensuing the execution of a public contract of construction works.
Towards the end of the year 2016, Robert MASSON receives from the INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR DISPUTE RESOLUTION (NEW YORK) (ICDR) the invitation to be listed on its Panel of International Arbitrators. And at the beginning of the year 2017, he also receives from the COURT OF ARBITRATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (ICC), the invitation to be listed on its Panel of International Arbitrators of the Arbitration Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Canada (ICC Canada).
In the year 2009, Robert received the designation Chartered Arbitrator (C.Arb) from the ADR Institute of Canada (ADR Canada) to underline his whole experience in arbitration and his high level of competence.
Robert Masson is now acting as Independent Arbitrator, as Independent Adjudicator, as Third Party Neutral, and as Mediator, which he combines with 15 years of experience as P. Engineer added with 33 years of experience as Lawyer practicing in the Educational sector (University of Sherbrooke) and shifting to work on his own as legal counsel and litigator for entrepreneurs of the Construction industry. In his career, he gained experience in all the domains of law required to better serve all the needs of his practice.
As an Independent Arbitrator, Robert has served on over 180 arbitrations, domestic and international, Ad hoc and Institutional, as Sole Arbitrator or as Chair or Co-Arbitrator, in matters of Construction (Buildings, Civil Engineering Works, Highways), in Business and Commercial Law, in Insurance, in Corporate (including joint-venture arrangements and shareholders agreements), in Real Estate and in Civil Law.
Robert's mother tongue is French. He also speaks and writes English and Spanish fluently.
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Arbitration in commercial, civil and corporate maters...
...other advantages you did not even think about !